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KErMiD – Combined erosion milieu detector

News: The KErMiD project will be presented at the Hannover Messe 2024.

Over time and depending on the location, rotor blade erosion permanently changes the profile geometry of the blade and thus deteriorates the blade performance. As a consequence, the annual energy yield decreases by several percentage points. Furthermore, the progressive material removal endangers the structural integrity of the blade and consequently affects the normal operation of the turbine.

The project goal is to develop measurement methods and implement them in a prototype to record environmental parameters that cause rotor blade erosion. Known parameters are rain and particles as the main source of damage. With the help of optical and radio-technological methods, these parameters are to be determined contact-free at the wind energy site in real time.

The entirety of the measuring equipment, in the hands of consulting specialists, is to determine the prognosis of erosion at blade edges so precisely that the wind farm operator can plan both the necessary downtimes and the expenses for maintenance better than before.

This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action based on a resolution of the German Bundestag.

Project responsibility:

M. Eng. Paul Schröder

M. Eng. Christopher März

M. Sc. Justin Sommer


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